Thursday, October 31, 2013

My Matrilineal Line.

This will be a work in Progress. It will be updated periodically from time to time.

Name: Daniel Francis. Sibling: Robert Francis
Mother: Leonora Francis, nee Aaron
Siblings: Peter Aaron, Josephine Aaron, Lydia Richards,nee Aaron;  Edward Aaron; Rosalind Aaron;
Livingstone Aaron; Roberta Henry, nee Aaron; Joseph Aaron; Sandra Aaron.
Mother's Mother: Frances Aaron, nee Sealey
Siblings: Reginald Sealey, Lemuel Sealey, Loverna Sealey, Thelma Sealey, Gertrude Daly, nee Sealey

Friday, October 4, 2013

Why I Cannot Join Unitarianism

The Lord Is my Light is a hymn that I heard recently. Its a beautiful song about God and the strength and joy that we can gain from being in communion with him.
My question is this, could a song like this ever be sung, without causing uproar, in a Unitarian Universalist congregation? Could God be praised with this Christian hymn, or would such music be banned?
There is a lot about Unitarian Universalism that I admire, but I an a Christian. And I refuse to be a part of a denomination that denigrates christian religion and faith, and even religion in general, in the name of pluralism.

Seminaries I'd like to attend

1. Brite Divinity School: Texas Christian University.
2. University of Chicago: Divinity School
3.Chicago Theological Seminary
4. Lancaster Theological Seminary
5.Eden Theological Seminary