Tuesday, March 12, 2019

NEVER give up on your dreams, because if you ask of God, at the right time, He may give them to you.

Last year, I looked at the evidence and saw that there really wasn't any way for me to ever be able to afford to move back to Michigan. It was just too risky, too complicated and complex and expensive a set of plans. it just wouldn't work.

Going back to Michigan has always been one of the deepest desires of my heart. I've left Michigan twice in my life, and each time I've tried to get back. The first time, a series of unexpected events caused it to happen, I prayed and it came true in a way that didn't even seem to make logical sense. The second time, however, had been a much longer exile. One year turned into two, into 3, into 4, into 5. Each year making it seem like a foolish pipe dream.

It didn't stop me from dreaming, however. I planned and schemed and thought. I'd despair of ever achieving it and then be reinspired to dream of it. The possibility of a lover often helped.

This past year, after visiting and then having my heart crushed, I came to the conclusion that I would never be able to achieve my dream. I had to simply commit myself to stay here in Cleveland and learn to love it. I threw away any reminders of my dream, including a history of the diocese of West Michigan, and I set out to put down my bucket where I was.

Recently, I made the decision to join the National Guard. That was around December 20th. Last week, I talked to an old friend who is former military about my decision to join as well as catching up. As we talked, it slowly dawned on me that I can join ANY of the 54 National Guard Units anywhere in the US. Which means I can join the Michigan National Guard. Suddenly something that had seemed to be a pipe dream was suddenly possible. Something that had seemed to be another 5-year project away from even becoming feasible was now right at my feet.

I am so completely floored by this possibility. It seemed so impossible and now it seems possible. I am so grateful and thankful to God for making this happen, and I hope to prove worthy of this gift. I commit myself to do whatever I have to do to prepare myself fully to join the National Guard. I hope that my life will be a blessing and that I can contribute to the life of my community.

The Soldiers Creed

I am an American Soldier. I am a warrior and a member of a team, I serve the people of the United States and live the Army values, I will always place the mission first, I will never accept defeat I will never quit, I will never leave a fallen comrade, I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills, I always maintain my arms my equipment and myself, I am an expert and I am a professional, I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States in close combat, I am a guardian of Freedom and the American way of life, I am an American soldier.